
The Gabrielle is a luxurious offering of twenty four roses in the eye-catching tones of ruby red, sunshine yellow, creamy white and pastel pink. Roses are the symbol of romance, and send love and passion in each perfect petal. Ravishing, sumptuous and striking, these roses are carefully placed in an elegant Hollywood box just waiting to be revealed. Organising these flowers to be delivered to your loved one while...
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The Gabrielle is a luxurious offering of twenty four roses in the eye-catching tones of ruby red, sunshine yellow, creamy white and pastel pink. Roses are the symbol of romance, and send love and passion in each perfect petal. Ravishing, sumptuous and striking, these roses are carefully placed in an elegant Hollywood box just waiting to be revealed. Organising these flowers to be delivered to your loved one while they are at work is a fantastic way to showcase your caring side while simultaneously bringing happiness to the day of your someone special and making them the envy of the office. As there are 24 hours in a day, the number 24 has its own significance and symbolises completion. When you send the Giselle, you are saying “You complete me.”
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