
This vibrant and showstopping bouquet of hot pink gerberas and candy pink Asiatic lilies is a glamorous and beautifully contrasting gift that will dazzle those lucky enough to receive it. The Molly is an eye-catching bouquet, incorporating the freshest and finest flowers sourced straight from Australian growers.

This feminine selection of fuchsia flowers would make a perfect surprise gift for the...
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This vibrant and showstopping bouquet of hot pink gerberas and candy pink Asiatic lilies is a glamorous and beautifully contrasting gift that will dazzle those lucky enough to receive it. The Molly is an eye-catching bouquet, incorporating the freshest and finest flowers sourced straight from Australian growers. This feminine selection of fuchsia flowers would make a perfect surprise gift for the special girl in your life, and is testament to the fact that you don’t need to pay a lot, to send a lot. Surprise her, you know she deserves it.
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